понедельник, февраля 28, 2022

Welcome to the blog

Dear Children, their Parents and Colleagues! Welcome to our new teaching blog!

     This blog is a compendium of activities and articles for primary language teachers, children aged 6-13 and their parents.

     The main aims are:

  • to provide a wide-ranging resource of practical ideas which are easy to use and which can be adapted flexibly and creatively in different contexts and situations;
  • to provide support for primary language teachers in their own professional development through encouraging them to use the activities as a springboard for personal investigation and inquiry into what "works" for them in their own classes;
  • to help parents who want to improve their children's language skills;
  • to make process of learning English easier and more interesting for the Young Learners.

The blog is suitable for:

  •  primary language teachers working in the state or private sectors;
  • candidates following teacher education courses;
  • parents who teach their children for the first time.                                                                
Hope you'll enjoy working on this blog!
Please don't hesitate to contact me regarding any issues concerning the course of the blog.
Your teacher ,
Galina Ganicheva  

     I  apologize  for  using  Russian  transliteration  instead  of transcription when I give tasks for my Young Learners. I have to do  that  to  help  parents  who  don't know the rules of English pronunciation.

    Я приношу свои  извинения за использование русской транслитерации  при  публиковании  заданий для младших школьников. Приходится поступать так, чтобы помочь тем родителям, которые  не знакомы с правилами английского произношения и транскрипций.

воскресенье, февраля 27, 2022

Welcome to my blog

I'd be grateful if you wrote some recommendations, wishes or comments to my Blog. It's a new-born Blog, but I promise, I'll try to do it more interesting, informative and useful.

Parents' Corner

How to Work with the Blog:

Choose what you need in the Blog Topics.

  • If you want to help your child in learning new words or grammar, go to Tasks;
  • If you want to show him/her something useful to remember, go to Videos and Songs;
  • If you just want your kid to spend time with pleasure learning English, go to the Blog Media and choose any Cartoons;

You can also use other items given in these Blogs.